Welcome to CigarBoxGuitars.com

The Encyclopedia of the Cigar Box Guitar
Welcome to CigarBoxGuitars.com, a free resource by Shane Speal. Featuring building plans, history, lessons and more on cigar box guitars and other fascinating folk art musical instruments.
A free information website by Shane Speal. Please share these articles on your social media!
The cigar box guitar is experiencing a complete Renaissance with thousands and thousands of people making and playing them worldwide. Never before in the humble instrument's history has it experienced such a wealth of interest and development.
Looking back: This website was created over 16 years ago by fellow cigar box guitar enthusiast, Ian "Scotty" Scott. The site served as the foundation for scores of cigar box guitar fans and has been at the top of Google for many many years.
Since Scotty's passing in 2020, the website has been handed over to Shane Speal by Scotty's wife, Debi. It is Speal's intent to not only maintain, but to further develop CigarBoxGuitars.com as an encyclopedia on the subject. To Speal, this will become the one website for all his cigar box guitar lessons, research, photos and discoveries.